A pericardial window is a cardiac surgical procedure to create a fistula – or “window” – from the pericardial space to the pleural cavity. The purpose of the window is to allow a pericardial effusion (usually malignant) to drain from the space surrounding the heart into the chest cavity – where the fluid is not as dangerous; an untreated pericardial effusion can lead to cardiac tamponade and death.
Related Links:
FTM Phalloplasty Surgery Guide – Find Surgeons & Resources
Phalloplasty: The dream and the reality
Related Videos:
Ep.9 Pericardial window

FMwand Pericardiectomy Procedure - Performed and Narrated by Dr. Kiser

Cardiac tamponade due to MVC blunt cardiac trauma pericatdiotomy

Thoracoscopic window pericardiotomy

Ep.9 Pericardial window
Source: Dr.Somprasong Tongmeesee
FMwand Pericardiectomy Procedure - Performed and Narrated by Dr. Kiser
Source: DomainSurgical
Cardiac tamponade due to MVC blunt cardiac trauma pericatdiotomy
Source: Trauma Team
Thoracoscopic window pericardiotomy
Source: Vikesh Agrawal
Source: Maheswar Mohapatra